Trump doesn’t want people to know about A.C.A. enrollment. (So let’s spread the word.)

I found this message on Facebook this afternoon, and then verified it over at  I shared it, and am posting it here as well:

[The Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) enrollment period was shortened and the Trump administration has cut funding to advertise these deadlines by 90%. The website for enrolling will be taken off-line every weekend, thus preventing weekend enrollment. This is a tactic to decrease enrollment. BE SURE TO ENROLL ON WEEKDAYS! Enrollment for 2018 ACA / Obamacare starts November 1 and ends December 15 …  This isn’t intended to spam, we have to do grassroots promotion to keep enrollment up because Trump is trying to get ACA to crumble due to low enrollment numbers.]

Help spread the word, folks, please.




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